Traeten was matched with Shayla in 2017. They hit it off immediately and bonded over all things sports. Our Big/Little mentoring matches become real friendships, and function in the same way – when you are friends with someone, you often meet each other’s friends and family. Therefore, it was no surprise that Kaylee (Traeten’s biological sister) would sometimes hang out with Traeten and Shayla, as she impatiently waited to turn 6 and get a Big Sister of her own. Similarly, Shayla sometimes brought along her biological sister, Amber.
At long last, Kaylee turned six and was officially a Little. Amber had been inspired by her sister and had started the process to become a Big. She was accepted and in 2018, matched with Kaylee! From the beginning of both of these incredible friendships, amazing things happened.

Spending time with Amber has helped Kaylee become a confident young person. Pam, mom to Traeten and Kaylee says that she is no longer shy and has come out of her shell, speaking up for herself and feeling comfortable in who she is.
Since 2017, the two Big/Little matches have spent time all together and of course one on one with their respective Bigs and Littles. Shayla and Amber have become close with Pam and Pam’s oldest daughter. They all celebrate holidays together and both Shayla and Amber often attend Traeten and Kaylee’s activities.
As these matches between Traeten and Shayla and Kaylee and Amber have done nothing but thrive, our agency is so happy to have recently helped celebrate their Match Graduation!
Congratulations Traeten, Shayla, Kaylee and Amber!