In School Mentoring Program

What is In-School Mentoring Program?

A small commitment that makes a big difference. Become a mentor to a child in a school environment. You’ll help build a child’s self-esteem and school performance while having a lot of fun. It only takes one hour per week during the school year.

In-School Mentoring is our fastest growing program. It involves spending one hour a week with one child, doing non-academic activities in a child’s school. It’s about being someone a child can talk to and learn from – sharing interests with them, encouraging them, building on their strengths, all of which can lead to improved self-esteem and a more positive outlook on their life. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Weyburn is in need of both male and female mentors for the ISM program.

One Child. One Hour Per Week. One Great Reason To Go Back To School.

Children who spend time with a mentor gain confidence, acquire new skills and competencies and develop an enhanced capacity to care for others. Mentors experience a sense of discovery and enjoyment as they see a world of possibilities open up, through a child’s eye.

Who Participates in the Program?

Children in grades one to eight
Caring and responsible volunteers age eighteen and older
Community schools who support the ISM program
Companies supporting the ISM program

What Does a Mentor Do?

Besides playing games or painting during the workday, you’ll be a role model for one student. It’s a one-hour commitment per week to visit with a child at their school during the school day. Through friendship, guidance, and sharing, you’ll help build a child’s self-esteem.

A Mentor Is…

• A great listener
• Caring and compassionate towards others
• Believing in the capabilities of others.
• Patient and kind
• Sensitive to the needs and circumstances of others
• Committed to relationships
• Open to different points of view
• Responsible and reliable

In-School Mentoring Makes a Big Difference for Students and Volunteer Mentors:

•90% of mentors saw a positive change in the child they were mentoring
•88% of students showed improved literacy skills
•64% had developed higher levels of self-esteem
•85% of ISM volunteers feel they have a positive influence on the community
•89% felt better about themselves
•66% of volunteers who participate through a corporate partnership are prouder of the company they work for

Go back and help a child go forward

Join a young person in their school and spend one hour a week making them smile. Shoot some hoops, read a book, do some art, kick a ball around; it really doesn’t matter what you do. It’s that you do it together.

Studies show that mentoring helps kids stay in school, avoid risky behavior such as bullying, and grow up having more respect for family, peers, and community.

Helping children reach their full potential can lead to positive community outcomes like a reduction in poverty and unemployment, safer schools and neighborhoods, and a new generation of civic-minded adults.

In School Mentoring

The In School Mentoring program provides girls and boys with a role model and a friend to talk to and share the experiences of growing up with, within the school grounds. For one hour a week, mentors meet with their mentee and engage in activities such as board games, crafts or just hang out in the playground.

The In School Mentoring program requires a weekly visit of 1 hour for the duration of the school year. Matches do not meet over the summer break or during other school holidays.

The program strives to do the following:

  • provide a role model and a friend for girls and boys.
  • promote the importance of staying in school and healthy relationships with family and peers.
  • instill trust and self-confidence in order to make healthy decisions.
  • encourage leadership skills and independent thinking.
  • and above all, make a difference while having fun.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a mentor or donating to the In-School Mentoring program we welcome your questions. You can apply now or contact us.

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* 2005 study, Employer Supported Volunteerism. Commissioned by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and conducted by Northstar Research Partners